免費線上程式更新! |
【圓方 BtoCAD】提供相同版本內的免費更新程式,由 BtoCAD 2015 版起,透過【YF Update Centre】可自動更新軟件,請按照以下方法進行 (YF Update Centre 為英文界面)。 | ||
註:在安裝 BtoCAD 軟件時,系統會提示安裝【YF Update Centre】。如略過了有關安裝,可在安裝光碟中執行 X:\BtoCAD\setup_YFUpdate\Setup.exe,再依提示安裝便可。 | ||
1. |
確定電腦已連接到互聯網。 | |
2. |
當軟件有更新內容,屏幕右下方會彈出如下提示。按<Details> 顯示內容簡介及進行更新。按 <Remind me later> 會暫時略過更新提示,稍後再次彈出提示。 | |
3. | 系統會自動下載更新檔案,當完成下載後,按<Install> 來安裝更新檔。如果當前有開啟 BtoCAD,系統會提示先關閉 BtoCAD 才進行安裝。 | |
4. | 按<Close> 來結束及完成更新。可開啟 BtoCAD 操作了。 | |
online program update! |
BtoCAD software provides free online update for the same version. From BtoCAD 2015, "YF Update Centre" will monitor the update process. So ensure to install "YF Update Centre" during installation of BtoCAD. Please follow the instructions to update the program: | ||
Notes: If you skip the installation of "YF Update Center" during BtoCAD installation, please run X:\BtoCAD\setup_YFUpdate\Setup.exe from the installation disk to install YF Center. |
1. |
Ensure your computer is connected to the Internet. | |
2. | Prompt message will be shown at the bottom right-hand corner whenever update is available. Click <Details> to view the introduction and proceed the update. Click <Remind me later> to skip the reminder which will prompt again later. | |
3. | Update files will be automatically downloaded and once all files are ready, click <Install> to continue the file installation. | |
4. | Click <Close> to complete the update process and you may start running the updated BtoCAD. | |
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